we originally planned to work on the tile floor layout, but instead we decided to take advantage of our miter saw rental from the aerospace tool club and finish some loose ends. on saturday we cut and installed window trim around the box window in the lounge. it still needs to be caulked and painted, but it definitely looks a lot cleaner around the edges:

next we prepared the trim for the garden window. of course, nothing is simple; to accommodate the irregular wall surface around the garden window, we had to build a frame upon which the trim would sit. after making the cuts, we stained the trim and framing. on sunday morning, we installed the framing and trim:

we also installed the microwave and finished the light rail on the oven side:

unfortunately, the microwave isn't functional yet; home depot seems to be in short supply of 3.25 x 10 x 6 ducting that connects the microwave vent to the roof vent.
and finally, as requested, here's a pic of the new toilet in the spare bathroom:

we are taking next weekend off and heading to vegas. we need to pay for this kitchen somehow!