we're not sure why there was a deadbolt on the linen closet, but we took care of that along with re-installing mortise hardware (we even found a glass knob set hiding in the closet that matches the rest of the knobs in the house!). here's the stinky domain:

when we pulled out the old shelves, we realized that they were the source of the stink. while we could have just replaced these shelves to eradicate the stink, we were already set to turn it into a cedar closet, so we proceeded. here's after the cedar was installed with the new shelves, and the hall has been painted:

back to the closet door, we first made a hole plug to start the deadbolt fill:

filling the hole left from the new-school cylinder handle was trickier. this was the original door so digging out the filler used to fill the old mortise set wasn't a problem, but the hole was bored right where the mortise would have to live. to get around this, we made another hole plug, then attched the plug to a 2x4 and ran the plug through a table saw to cleanly remove material so the mortise would fit partially inside of the hole plug:

and here it is installed:

and here's the hallway with the refinished door installed (and with lori's lovely finish):

and a close-up of the linen closet finish:

here's an overall view of the completed hallway with four of lori's six doors visible:

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